Photogates and Fences – IDS

Product Code: ME-9471A


When used with the computer for data recording, display, and analysis, the photogate/pulley timing system can provide a wide range of time, speed, and velocity measurements. The photogates mount to the dynamics track using the provided brackets. The picket fences provided mount directly to the dynamics carts.

What’s Included

  • 2x Photogate Heads
  • 2x Photogate Brackets
  • 2x Picket Fences
  • 1x Super Pulley with attachment screw (attaches Super Pulley to Photogate)
  • 1x Pulley Mounting Rod


Small parts. Not for children under 3 years.

Software Required

This product requires PASCO software for data collection and analysis. We recommend the following option(s). For more information on which is right for your classroom, see our Software Comparison: SPARKvue vs. Capstone »

Interface Required

This product requires a PASCO Interface to connect to your computer or device. We recommend the following option(s). For a breakdown of features, capabilities, and additional options, see our Interface Comparison Guide »

Parts Available Separately

Photogate Head ME-9498A
Photogate Brackets (2 Pack) — IDS ME-9806
Cart Picket Fences (2 Pack) — IDS ME-9804
Super Pulley ME-9450A
Pulley Mounting Rod SA-9242

Photogate Head Manual