Evidence of the Big Bang Kit

Product Code: 331102


Use evidence to support the formation of the universe through the Big Bang theory in the classroom. In this series of 5 investigations, students collect pieces of evidence that each provide part of the story. They explore the spectra of different elements and light sources, analyze star spectrographs, investigate the Doppler effect for sound and light, model the expansion of the universe, and digitally observe the remnants of the Big Bang.

Curriculum Connection
While designed for a stand-alone earth science course, this series of activities could be incorporated into a high school physics course.

Time Requirement
Teacher prep, 45 minutes. Completing the activities, approximately 1 week (180 minutes).

Digital Resources
Includes 1-year access to digital resources that support 3-dimensional instruction for NGSS. Digital resources may include a teacher manual and student guide, pre-lab activities and setup videos, phenomenon videos, simulations, and post-lab analysis and assessments.

Performance Expectation(s)
HS-ESS1-2. Construct an explanation of the Big Bang theory based on astronomical evidence of light spectra, motion of distant galaxies, and composition of matter in the universe.

Crosscutting Concepts
Energy and Matter

Disciplinary Core Ideas
ESS1.A: The Universe and Its Stars
PS4.B: Electromagnetic Radiation

Science and Engineering Practices
Constructing Explanations

Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills
Students should be familiar with scientific notation and graphing.