Earthquake Simulation Kit

Product Code: 331142


Build a shake table in the classroom and explore how technological advances allow scientists to gather data on earthquakes to work to mitigate the damage. In this series of 3 investigations, students explain why some buildings are impacted in earthquakes, but others remain intact. They collect evidence on how buildings respond to different frequencies of shaking, build a model shake table and building, and build a dampener to improve the stability of their buildings.

Curriculum Connection
While designed for a stand-alone earth science course, this series of activities could be incorporated into a high school physics course.

Time Requirements
Teacher prep, approximately 30 minutes. Completing the activities, approximately 1 week (135 minutes).

Digital Resources
Includes 1-year access to digital resources that support 3-dimensional instruction for NGSS. Digital resources may include a teacher manual and student guide, pre-lab activities and setup videos, phenomenon videos, simulations, and post-lab analysis and assessments.

Performance Expectation(s)
HS-ESS3-1. Construct an explanation based on evidence for how the availability of natural resources, occurrence of natural hazards, and changes in climate have influenced human activity.

Crosscutting Concepts
Influence of Science, Engineering, and Technology on Society and the Natural World

Disciplinary Core Ideas
ESS3.B: Natural Hazards

Science and Engineering Practices
Developing and Using Models

Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills
Students should be familiar with the concepts of seismic waves and the properties of waves in general, such as frequency, period, amplitude, and wave speed.