Bring industrial standard training equipment into your technology classroom.
Vocational education and training, allows students to gain practical experience in their chosen career path before they even graduate. MATRIX TSL has been committed to developing intuitive solutions for teaching and learning at the secondary level across many disciplines of vocational education, spanning Science, Engineering and Technology.
MATRIX offers:
- Targeted curriculum written by experts in their field along with worksheets and lesson plans to aid students and teachers.
- One-on-one virtual demonstration calls to get a closer look at the equipment for your school’s technology programs.
Teaching Electricity and Circuits
If you want to learn how something works – build it!
Locktronics solutions simplify the process of learning and teaching electricity and electronics. These hands-on circuit tools bridge learning gaps and decrease structural complexity of traditional circuit kits, making it easy for students to see their circuit physically laid-out exactly as it appears in their diagram. All Locktronics solutions are supplied with targeted curriculum written by experts in their field and come with worksheets and lesson plans to aid students and teachers.
Understanding Electricity
Locktronics electrical kits clearly display circuits to learners, allowing them to develop their understanding of the topic being delivered.
Matrix Aviation solutions are designed to satisfy the requirements of EASA – the internation gold standard for training Aviation maintenance engineers, and can be adapted for TCAA and FAA.
Electrical Installation
The Locktronics Electrical Installation kits coupled with the practical curriculums progress a student understanding of the fundamental theory and practices pertinent to the field. These kits are ideals for both the classroom and lab.
Teaching Automotive Electrics
With basic, intermediate, and advanced levels, MATRIX Locktronics Range not only provide students with the necessary tools to build their general knowledge of automotive mechanics, but explore their understanding of circuits used in all vehicles, including electric and hybrid. These solutions allow students to easily build circuits, identify different components by the symbols on them and visualize what is happening within in the circuit, all at affordable prices.
Teaching Robotics
The Formula AllCode is a complete course in robotics.
The highly functional Robotic Buggy and Arm can be programmed in almost any language. The buggy is ideal for first time robotics users, with capability to program the robot from any host with a Bluetooth connection. The Robotic Arm is great as an independent cell or used as part of Smart Factory.
Teaching Automatics
Automatics is a range of products that simplifies the process of teaching and learning about pneumatic and automation systems.
The Smart Factory by MATRIX is the newest in accessible Industry 4.0 products. This Siemens or MIAC controlled desktop Smart Factory provides students with the opportunity to learn about PLC control, sensors, Robotics and technologies and processes commonly used in modern day manufacturing.
The pneumatic components are identical to those used by real engineers, but have been cleverly adapted so that students can construct automation systems speedily and without tools.
Teaching Manufacturing
Many students avoid promising careers in manufacturing because they’re initially intimidated of noisy industrial equipment on a shop floor. The portable Matrix MicroCNC unit is an affordable training system that allows students to work in small groups to prototype their designs and learn key machining concepts. The robust range is a great introduction to manufacturing engineering principles.
Teaching Coding and Microcontrollers
In todays digital world, coding has become a basic literacy and it is essential for students to understand and work with the technology around it.
E-Blocks is an instructional system based on upstream and downstream Modular boards that help students visualize, build, program and bug-fix microcontrollers. Ideal for both new users as well as those with advance knowledge and skills.
Flowcode is a graphical programming IDE for both beginner and advanced programmers that allows you to easily develop electronics systems for microcontrollers, Windows PCs and tablets.