Wireless Load Cell

Product Code: PS-3216


The Wireless Load Cell and Accelerometer is designed for use with all PASCO Structures Systems and is included in the Building Better Bridges Kit.

While it does not have the high resolution of the wired load cells, the Wireless Load Cell can be used for most structures related activities. It’s wireless nature and the added accelerometer also make it ideal for studying the oscillations of structures. Because it does not require an interface or amplifier, the Wireless Load Cell also represents a great value.

A key component of the Building Better Bridges Kit, the Wireless Load Cell and Accelerometer is easy-to-use for younger learners as well, making it ideal for a STEM approach to basic bridge mechanics and structure building.

The Wireless Load Cell and Accelerometer (PS-3216) is an accessory for the:

Typical Applications

  • Basic studies of tension and compression in structures (as part of the Building Better Bridges Kit)
  • Investigating static and dynamic loading
  • Observing forces and acceleration present in structures
  • Discovering the resonant modes of structures when driven

Special Features

  • An integral part of our bridge-building module
  • Low cost
  • Built-in accelerometer measures accelerations in three dimensions plus the resultant
  • No wires, making it easier than ever to integrate into structures beams

Product Specifications

Load Cell Range ±50 N
Load Cell Resolution 0.05 N
Load Cell Accuracy 0.1 N
Load Cell Maximum Sample Rate 2 kHz
Acceleration Range ± 6 g (three-axis)
Acceleration Maximum Sample Rate 500 Hz
Measurements Force; Acceleration (3 axes and resultant)
Logging Yes
Battery Rechargeable Lithium-Polymer
Connectivity Direct USB or via Bluetooth 4.0

Battery and Logging

Stored Data Points Memory (Logging) 1 >20,000
Battery – Connected (Data Collection Mode) 2 >40 hr
Battery – Logging (Data Logging Mode) 3 NA
Battery Type LiPo

1 Minimum # of data points with all measurements enabled, actual results depend on enabled measurements.

2 Continuous use in a connected state until battery failure, actual results will depend on sample rate, active measurements, and battery condition.

3 Logging until battery failure, actual results will depend on sample rate, active measurements, and battery condition.

* Normal classroom use is the sensor in active use for 20min/lab for 120 lab periods/yr.

Supporting Documents

Wireless Load Cell and Accelerometer Manual