• Advanced Rock/Mineral Kit 15 SPEC (Earth V2)

  • Ballistic Pendulum Kit

  • Basic Rock and Mineral Kit

  • Melt Point Apparatus

  • Motorized Crane

  • Motorized Crane without //control.Node

  • Motorized Drawbridge

  • Motorized Drawbridge without //control.Node

  • Photosynthesis Chamber

  • Projectile Motion Kit

  • Rotational Motion and Torque Kit

  • Rotational Motion Kit

  • StructureBOT

  • StructureBOT without //control.Node

  • Wireless Air Quality Sensor

  • Wireless Conductivity Sensor with Digital Display

  • Wireless pH Sensor with Digital Display

  • Wireless Temperature Sensor with Digital Display

  • Wireless Charge Sensor

  • Wireless Smart Gate Dynamics System

  • Wireless Smart Pulley

  • Capillary Tubes

  • Franck-Hertz Argon Tube

  • Standard Compound Optical Microscope